
Calculus + AcDec = Erin needs a break

I took a quick study break to browse the newest issue of Harper's magazine since my dad bought me a subscription for my b-day.  I found this awesome featured artist.  I'm impressed.

Glee and Gwyneth Paltrow were also appreciated.


I'm in Kaylie's lavender room, admiring her bed frame draped in Christmas lights and the collection of movies on her shelf.  I'm wearing a recently purchased maxi dress from etsy and enjoying Sufjan Stevens' genius.  I am thinking about the chemistry between Zach Galifinakis and Robert Downey Jr. in Due Date and creating a blog and not about school or subject tests or application essays.  That means it's Friday night.  That means the writer's block I often encounter on Monday afternoons is gone.  This moment, even in its simplicity and uncertainty, this moment of Swedish Fish, Sofia's Song, and no writer's block is me.