
The social network

It's crazy. I can't believe.
For years, that's been a big deal. I'm the only person my age I know who doesn't have one (besides my boyfriend). It's unusual, I understand. And it's not because my parents worry about social networking (yeah, my mom's on there) or because I'm boycotting Facebook or anything. I just never made one.

Possible logic:

1. I want to be different. Sometimes I got so wrapped up in being unusual that when people would comment or make fun of my lack of Facebook I would take pride in it.

2. I am not a particularly social person. I love people, hearing what they have to say, and being with my friends. I know that social networking isn't just a bunch of mindless chatter and cleavage shots but (SPOILER ALERT) a lot of it is. I don't particularly care what that girl who was in my government class has to say about God knows what.

3. I'm a little worried I'll become addicted. You hear horror stories about the hours wasted. I'm weak.

4. I'm actually an 86-year-old. This is often the case. Many times I would rather knit or read a book or bake a fig tart than go online.

But, the spell has ended. It was inevitable, because as much as I believe all of the above, I don't want to lose touch with friends. This summer is about the transition between high school and college and as much as I hate to realize it, I will be losing some local friends. I surely don't want to disconnect with them simply because of my stubbornness. So, Facebook me (in the most casual and nonchalant way possible)!

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